Guest Profile

Kathleen Kanavos

Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos is accredited in psychopathology and special education. She taught psychology at University of South Florida's Fort Myers branch and was an instructor of the severely emotionally handicapped for 10 years, two years as special education department head. Later, she used a combination of dreams and conventional medicine to beat back cancer—three times. She was a research subject in the Breast Cancer Dream Research Program at Duke University. She has written several books. In Dreams That Can Save Your Life, O'Keefe-Kanavos co-authored a compilation of true accounts of people whose dreams were later validated as well as the results of research studies supporting precognitive power of dreams and also earned herself a guest spot on the Dr. Oz Show.She also co-authored, Chaos to Clarity. The book shows firsthand witnesses of the challenges that men and women from around the world have faced head-on, and how, through their adversity, they became stronger and happier. Kat's latest endeavor, Crappy to Happy is a #1 seller. It is a compilation with multiple authors sharing their experience and knowledge about: Love and Relationships; Health and Well-Being; Grief and Loss; Life Journey and Identity.

