Guest Profile

Lynda Lamp

Lynda Lamp was born with an innate understanding of humanity’s wholeness. Lynda is a Thought Leader, Spiritual Teacher, Author, Speaker, and Consciousness Coach, who helps you reconnect with your soul’s knowledge and aids you on your journey to wholeness. She guides those who want to help heal our world by bringing us peace through love. As a sincere and committed spiritual teacher, Lynda offers guidance and easy-to-understand instructions that lead you to joy and freedom. Love must begin with ourselves.


Lynda is one of the rare humans on Earth that was born fully awake and aware of her divine origin. Who better to guide you back to your heavenly origin? Through her one-on-one sessions, online classes, books, or group conversations, Lynda offers a high-hearted view of our current reality that supports you to change your perspective and transform your life quickly. She is a mystical messenger of personal and global ascension. She uses passion and humor to communicate essential information to her followers, setting them on a path to self-empowerment. 


Lynda wants to share and support you by teaching valuable information from her first book, Volume I, Walking Through Your Walls, released in August 2016. This volume helps you experience your path to self-love by uncovering the mysteries of life. She guides you on your soul’s journey back to your power of joy and love with step-by-step insights. Future upcoming volumes take you further into the mystery.


Lynda believes that her channeled books will return you to your divine blueprint of expressing self-love. She is an expert at connecting and reflecting your true spiritual essence of love. Lynda offers many free opportunities to share her wisdom on her FB page (link) and her YouTube channel (Link). Please join her there or contact her at [email protected].



Be all you can be and experience the joy of life you Divinity intended! Lynda invites you to join her in this timely unfoldment and upgrade of the Earth and the planet’s inhabitants. She is an expert at illuminating your path to wholeness - a state of peace and joy is your ideal condition.


Lynda also founded Angels Rest on Resurrection Bay, LLC, a small lodging retreat in Alaska on the shores of Resurrection Bay, one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

