Guest Profile

Wendy Foxworth

Wendy J. Foxworth has spent twenty-five years as a spiritual teacher and a relationship coach studying the evolution of human behavior. She has worked as a public school teacher, executive director of nonprofit organizations, minister of a large church, business manager, organizational development consultant, and the owner of a relationship coaching business.

After a painful experience as a Christian minister in a growing three hundredmember church, learning that the MeWay traditional command, control, and blaming relationship model doesn't foster long-term, peaceful, and productive relationships, Foxworth discovered the WeWay methodology. Since graduating with her Master's in Managerial Leadership from John F. Kennedy University, Foxworth has shared the WeWay with people from all walks of life. She currently works as owner of Foxworth WeWay Coaching and Consulting Services and as the director of the Center for Consciousness Education in Albuquerque, New Mexico.&8232;
