Sponsor Profile: Ryanne Stellingwerf

Discover Solutions

Discover Solutions

This is where Autoimmune Warriors learn to embrace their joy each and every day!


You arrived here because, if you’ll pardon my directness for a moment, autoimmune sucks! Let’s face it. The physical symptoms are anything from frustrating to a nightmare. But that might not even be the worst thing you are dealing with.

Did you know that…

  • Your autoimmune disease creates a higher risk of depression and anxiety and this makes you feel even worse
  • Stress hormones can increase inflammation and the progression of autoimmune disease and, considering everything that you are dealing with, your stress levels may feel out of control. Illness, guilt, fatigue, pain, and the myriad of stuff that goes with living with this condition plus trying to live life? Whose stress wouldn’t be through the roof?
  • Endorphins can help relieve inflammation and possibly slow the progression of autoimmune disease and you may not be maximizing your endorphin potential or even know how
  • Your social environment can affect your immune system, but right now you might need help managing it
  • You may be part of the way more than 50% of autoimmune patients that struggle with their mental health, and the vast majority of them do not get the support they need

"Hi, I am Ryanne, the owner and creator of Discover Solutions. I am an Autoimmune Mental Health Coach and I help people with autoimmune disease find the joy in life despite their symptoms! My mission is to help you find joy every day"

  • I believe that, despite not having all of the answers yet, autoimmune diseases are or will be curable, but it is up to us to advocate for ourselves and continue looking for answers.
  • I believe that, despite having ongoing symptoms, we can use our energy intentionally and still lead amazing lives.
  • I have seen our tools change lives in my years of practice and believe that this program can help you too.

Join us on a path to holistic success and embrace the extraordinary life you deserve.
Click here to learn about our Autoimmune Warrior Program